Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Model finished!

Ha, cake toppers again, so sue me.

Coated in Sculpey now. White, you say? Why yes- that's how I've made my clay sculpts for years. Make it white, paint it afterwards. Which has twofold benefits- it avoids the problem of discoloration during the baking process, and it allows me to paint in finer details, or mix colors in very paint-specific techniques, which I find therapeutic.
I'll be painting these guys with a solid pearlescent coat, though. And adding the wingwebs with fabric pieces, to keep them light.

Monday, July 23, 2012

You know what

Guy Gardner
Now in Low-res def, with 200% more starscape! As it occurred to me that some may not be aware of his...character, here is a pic for reference.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wireframe Wednesday?

You see? Because it's a wireframe! It....yeah. A real-world sculpt I've got the literal wireframe made on. Eventually, wedding cake toppers. For right now, a load of jewelry wire and tinfoil.

Monday, July 16, 2012

UV mappan

So, REALLY not terribly exciting work going on right now, since I'm just combining all the meshes and UVs for the low res model. Still working on the mesh part, but I can share the final maps (normal, spec, and texture).

There's an alpha map as well, but since all that affects is the ends of his hair, I didn't deem it particularly interesting.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Camping and UVs

So, as I am at the stage of cleaning up maps and combining the low poly mesh, it's not terribly exciting stuff to look at. But I will say that camping over the weekend gave me some tremendous inspiration.
I mean seriously! It's like a postcard! And our campsite was nestled in a grove of enormous evergreen trees- how cool was that?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Base sculpt= done!

So, I've finished the sculpting part, and mostly finished the textures (well, as far as straight-up polypainting is concerned). The moon boots feel so out of place to me!

I'll be working on polishing the textures next, and exporting all the maps to 3DS Max.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dragons and wireframe once more

So, I've been working on terribly unexciting parts, like the wireframe
And drawing up some dragon concepts for a wedding cake centerpiece
Neither of which, I bet, are particularly interesting. Or really fleshed out looking. So, yeah.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Head progress (again)

Thought I'd put up a nicer looking picture, for general progress' sake. Gonna work on mapping things out now, photoshop cleanup and such.